TC Ho was elected board member of NorthCape in 2019. After graduated from McGill University, Montreal with an MBA in 1984, he started his banking career in Citibank, New York and moved to Singapore and joined the Institutional Banking Group.
In 1985 Mr. Ho moved to UBS, Singapore and to Citibank Hong Kong at the end of 1989 (Head of Strategic Trading Department). In 1992 he joined Morgan Stanley Hong Kong and became involved in structured finance and marketing. In 1994 TC became Managing Director of Santander Investment Asia Pacific Operation and later became Group Head with responsibilities for the investment bank.
In 1999 Mr. Ho pursued own investment and in 2000 co-founded Singapore company Creditel and later co-founded Asia Marine Capital in Hong Kong with partners. At the end of 2006 he started Fleur Capital in Singapore (2007) and subsequently Mathkey Asset Management Hong Kong (2010).
Residing in Hong Kong, Mr. Ho now spends his time on advisory work and independent board positions. He is currently an Independent Director/AC Chairman of Singapore Dukang Distillers (SGX). Previously, Mr Ho was acting board member of two other SGX companies; Centraland Ltd. and Liheng Chemical Fiber, which since were privatized and withdrawn from SGX listing.

Ho Teck Cheong (TC Ho)